Felicia Day Interview

by on Mar 18, 2006

<p>The Blog site <a target="_Blank" href="http://blogs.liquidgeneration.com/">liquidgeneration.com</a> found out that actress, Felicia Day (Vi from Buffy: The Vampire Slayer in the 2003-2004 season) p

The Blog site liquidgeneration.com found out that actress, Felicia Day (Vi from Buffy: The Vampire Slayer in the 2003-2004 season) plays WoW. After finding this out, they stalked her in true computer geek fashion and got an interview with her. They found out that she's just as geeky as the rest of us.

After reading this interview many of you will no doubt believe Felicia is the Biggest Nerd in Hollywood. And you probably wouldn't be wrong. Anyone who thinks Ultima 7 is the best game ever or says things like, "Sometimes my rage does get the better of me, like when I was minding my own business picking a gromsblood and I was killed in half-pick by a douche mage," surely does not hang out at the cool-kid lunch table.

You can check out the whole interview here: LG INTERVIEW: HOLLYWOOD'S DEADLIEST LVL 60 GNOME WARLOCK.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016