Final Fantasy XI: Crystalline Prophecy Hands-On Tour

by on May 11, 2009

Already sporting oodles of content spanning four full expansions, <i><a href="" target="_blank">Final Fantasy XI</a></i> doesn't have a lack of quests, items, or objectives for players to enjoy. So when t

Already sporting oodles of content spanning four full expansions, href=""
target="_blank">Final Fantasy XI
doesn't have a lack of quests, items, or objectives for players to
enjoy. So when the development team sat down to come up with their next
major update to their game, they decided that, rather than create
another full-blown expansion, the team should do its best to tie off
some loose ends and introduce small spurts of targeted content. Broken
up into three installments, the first of these smaller downloadable
episodes is called A Crystalline Prophecy: Ode to Life Bestowing and
Ten Ton Hammer got a up-close look at what it has to offer.

players that just tinkered with Final Fantasy XI when it was
originally released, many of you probably remember the rendered cut
scene featuring a small boy and his sister being attacked by monsters
in the middle of a war. The Crystalline Prophecy acts as a sort of
conclusion for that story that occurred twenty years prior to the
events in the original game.

target="_blank">To read the rest of the Crystalline Prophecy
hands-on impressions, click here!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016