Final Fantasy XIV Details Battle Regimens and Incapacitation System

by on Oct 07, 2010

<p>Square Enix is offering up more details about <a href=""><em>Final Fantasy XIV's</em></a> Battle Regimens and the incapacitation of body parts in the game.

Square Enix is offering up more details about Final Fantasy XIV's Battle Regimens and the incapacitation of body parts in the game. While FFXIV has certainly received its share of blows for not being user-friendly enough, this new article attempts to answer a few questions and clear up how these two features work.

Battle Regimens are combat tactics players use in coordination with each other and by executing commands in a certain order are able to cause certain effects to occur. Incapacitating body parts works a bit differently by allowing players to strike at certain body parts and incapacitate them if enough damage is delivered. A helpful chart for each of the two features is also included in the article to help players better understand the systems.

Battle Regimens and the incapacitation of body parts are two features designed to encourage and intensify teamwork and gameplay among party members. Given the added excitement and various benefits both of these tactics can yield, it would be remiss of players not to make use of them to the utmost!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016