Firebeard Clan Charter

by on Dec 05, 2007

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Our purpose is to exist as a brotherhood of dwarves, and our main focus is on having a good time within that relaxed role-playing theme. This has always been, and will always be, a true dwarf-only kinship. Several other groups have started off with the same idea, but I am not aware of any others that have been successful in maintaining the theme on the Nimrodel server. We have excelled at it, and we plan to continue as the biggest and the best dwarf kinship on the server.


We are currently recruiting dwarves from all available classes and vocations. The main qualifications to be a part of the Firebeard Clan are a mature attitude and a willingness to help kin mates.


We encourage moderate role-play during the course of our everyday interactions, but we have absolutely no role-playing requirements. Regularly scheduled events, including festivals, sparring tournaments, and neighborhood parties, lend themselves to increased role-playing. We usually have one or two events of this type each month.

High-Level Instances and Raids

Whenever prospective recruits hear that we limit our membership to dwarf characters, there is usually a concern about the balance needed for end-game content and raids. Since our membership cannot include captains, burglars, or lore masters, it’s a legitimate question. The thing to remember is that we don’t have to put together a fellowship or raid group that is exclusively made up of our kinship members. We have numerous friends and allies that we call on regularly to fill these needed roles. We have run Helegrod, The Rift, Carn Dum and Urugarth using this alliance model.

Alternate Characters

We encourage the use of alts, and any additional dwarf characters are welcomed into the Clan. Non-dwarf characters will be designated with a friend status, but they cannot be official members. We will be happy to team up with non-dwarf alts at any time.

Activity Requirements

We are pretty lenient on what we require from our members. Most of our regular players are on several times per week, but we understand that it may not be possible for all of our members to play that frequently. We also tend to give members the benefit of the doubt if notice of an extended absence is posted on our forum boards, or if notice is given in-game. However, if a character is absent from the game for a period of 90 days, the character will be removed from membership.

Forum Activity

We encourage the use of our Clan forum at Quests, raids, events, etc. are all planned on the forum boards, and those who don’t check in typically miss out on these activities. We don’t require a certain level of activity on the forum in order to maintain membership, but there are definitely rewards for participation. We do require forum registration and a certain level of activity in order to become a Clan officer.

You can read the Firebeard Clan's Tentonhammer interview Here.



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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016