Firefall Dev Blog Previews Music and Creative Process

by on Dec 02, 2010

<p><em><a href="">Firefall</a></em> developer Red 5 plans to bring an epic new free-to-play shooter to online gamers.

Firefall developer Red 5 plans to bring an epic new free-to-play shooter to online gamers. But to have an epic game, you also need epic music. Audio Director, Michael Bross recently took some time to talk about his creative process in developing music for Firefall and how he often dreams of themes in his sleep, forcing him to stagger out of his sleeping slumber and into the studio for some late night music-making. Bross goes on to explain how he created the theme for the Thumper encounter, which was shown off at PAX. Find out what he had to say and listen to the final music version in the latest Firefall blog.

As I wrote the piece, I kept thinking it had to be epic. No, scratch that. It had to be !!!EPIC!!!, and so I aimed for every facet of it to sound huge–the brass, the strings, the guitars, the percussion. All of it! A real wall of sound.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016