Fireworks Acquisition Guide

by on Oct 16, 2007

<h4>By: Martuk</h4> <h3>How to Earn Fireworks</h3>

By: Martuk

How to Earn Fireworks

If you are a role-player or one who enjoys getting your hands on some fireworks this quest is right up your alley. In every MMOG people love the fireworks. These nice colorful explosives provide a nice view in the night sky of Middle-earth and can make you the life of the party when set off at the right moment. Supplies of Fireworks are somewhat limited in Middle-earth, but there is one quest line that will allow you to earn some of your very own.

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Lobelia's Fireworks

Quest Level:

The first step to earning your fireworks is like most other things. You have to do someone a favor. Lobelia Sackville-Baggins birthday is drawing near and to make the festivities as grand as that of Bilbo Baggins she wants a large order of fireworks. You will need to seek out Hyacinth Took just west of the Great Smials in Tuckborough.

When you reach Hyacinth Took she will inform you that she is out of fireworks and ingredients. She will then tell you to return to Lobelia Sackville-Baggins and make sure she understands she will have to cover the cost. Return to Lobelia Sackville-Baggins and tell her what was said.

Lobelia Sackville-Baggins still wants the fireworks. A mere price will not stop her from outdoing that Bilbo Baggins. Return to Hyacinth Took and tell her what Lobelia has said. Tired of running yet? I hope not.

Lobelia's Location: 29.36s, 71.33w at Bag End on the Hill within the Shire.

Hyacinth Took's location: 33.44s, 71.42w just west of the Great Smials in Tuckborough.

Seeking Saltpetre

Quest Level:

Now that Lobelia has agreed to pay for the fireworks Hyacinth Took can start sending for ingredients. Care to take a guess at who just volunteered to play messenger? Your first stop will be Cam Puddifoot a pig-farmer in Budgeford. He has biggest manure-pits in all the Shire. Hope you brought a solid container. Make your way east to Cam's farm in Budgeford.

Cam Puddifoot's location: 31.19s, 65.54w in Budgeford.

Wolves in the Fields

Quest Level:

Cam is willing to deliver the Saltpetre, but first you must do him a favor. (Bet you didn't see that one coming.) Wolves have overrun Cam's field to the east and his pigs are terrified. He wants you to head over to his field and rid him of the wolves terrorizing his bacon bits. Slay the six wolves inhabiting Cam's field and return to him in Budgeford. With the wolves out of the way Cam will make the delivery. Return to Hyancinth Took in Tuckborogh and speak with her.

Cam's Fields location: 31.1s, 64.2w

Cam Puddifoot's location: 31.19s, 65.54w in Budgeford.

Hyacinth Took's location: 33.44s, 71.42w just west of the Great Smials in Tuckborough.


Hyacinth's Gauntlets

Calling for Charcoal

Quest Level:

Now that you have the Saltpetre the next ingredient needed is charcoal. Hyancinth Took will tell you the best place to find it is from Hart Holeman. He resides at his home near the center of Overhill. Visit Hart and speak with him about the coal.

Hart Holeman's location: 28.08s, 70.10w


The Big Black Bear

Quest Level:

By now you have probably guessed that Hart needs a favor. It seems a big black bear has taken up residence on Hart's wood pile just to the north. He wants you to slay the creature so that he can once again have his stock of wood. Slay the bear and speak with Hart again. Now that the bear has been dealt with he will send the charcoal to Hyancinth Took. Return to Hyacinth and speak with her again.

Hart Holeman's location: 28.08s, 70.10w

Hart Holeman's wood pile location: 26.3s, 70.1w just north of Hart's location.

Hyacinth Took's location: 33.44s, 71.42w just west of the Great Smials in Tuckborough

Brimstone and Sparks

Quest Level:

Now that you have collected the first two ingredients you need brimstone and iron filings. Hyancinth will tell you a Dwarf in Needlehole named Onar is the one to see. Make your way to Needlehole and speak to Onar. Needlehole lies to the northwest and rest on the border between the Shire and Erud Luin. Speak with Onar and you will find he makes a quick and fair trade and he didn't even want a favor. Return to and speak with Hyancinth Took.

Onar's location: 27.9s, 76.1w in Needlehole next to the horse stable.

Hyacinth Took's location: 33.44s, 71.42w just west of the Great Smials in Tuckborough

By Hook or By Crook

Quest Level:

Hyancinth will send you to speak with Lobelia about the completion of the fireworks. Unfortunately, their next exchange will detail the theft of those fireworks you just worked so hard to help make. Lobelia will tell you to speak with Shirriff Smallburrow and help retrieve the fireworks from the thieves.

Shirriff Smallburrow will tell you the matter is outside his jurisdiction and that you should speak with Paladin Took in the Great Smials located in Tuckborough about the location of the fireworks.

Lobelia's Location: 29.36s, 71.33w at Bag End on the Hill within the Shire.

Shirriff Smallburrow's location: 31.4s, 71.1w inside the Ivy Brush Inn.

Paladin Took's location: 33.6s, 71.1w

Flare For Danger

Quest Level:

Paladin Took will tell you of a Brigands camp located in the southeast of the Shire in an area known as the Marish. The encampment is located in the southwest of the marish and is accessible by crossing a ford atop a waterfall. You will need to fight your way through the brigands to the stolen fireworks and destroy them before they can be put to a more sinister use. Once you have destroyed the fireworks return to Paladin Took inside the Great Smials of Tuckborough.

Entrance to the Brigand Encampment: 33.8s, 66.1w in the Marish

Stolen Fireworks location: 35.4s, 66.9w deep within the brigand encampment.

Paladin Took's location: 33.6s, 71.1w


Firework Starter

Hammer of the Tooks

Paladin's Spear

The End of the Matter

Now it is time for the pay off. With your mission complete Paladin took will instruct you to return to Hyacinth Took and tell her the fireworks have been destroyed. With her mind at ease she will give you what's left of the firework stock.

Reward: 5 Fireworks

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016