First Impressions of Hearthstone on Android

by on Apr 21, 2015

Now that I'm finally able to try out Hearthstone on Android, here's a quick look at my experience!

For the sake of clarity and conciseness, let's quickly go over the pros and cons of my first experience with Android on mobile!



(The most obvious one) The ability to play Hearthstone just about anywhere! The interface was smooth and intuitive. I never felt lost or like I didn't know how to perform a particular action It didn't have the feel of just some mobile game. This felt like Hearthstone through and through, and the effort put into the app definitely showed Everything from deck construction, to looking at my hand while playing, has been modified for the mobile version, but still felt natural Despite being a complete noob with very few cards to my name, I won my first match. This may not say much about the game as a whole, but I just get to brag a bit it says good things about the matchmaking



There have been issues players have faced with the wrong UI loading (tablet vs. phone), with no in-app way of changing it. I was fortunate enough not to experience this problem, but an update needs to be in the near future that includes a way to manually select which UI is desired The app felt fairly sluggish/unresponsive, even when I wasn't in a game. I don't have the latest and greatest phone, but my Galaxy S5 is new enough that this shouldn't really be a hardware issue. On my opponent's final turn, they hovered a card over the board, unsure what to do. They ended up running out of time, and on my turn, the card was still hovering over the board. I don't know if this was a disconnect, or some other issue. This is the smallest of my concerns, but the game is MASSIVE. While I found a cheap one, I actually had to go purchase an SD Card just to be able to try the game out. My free to play experience is already over! (Totally worth it.)


Overall, I was quite pleased with my first test of Hearthstone on Android. While the sluggishness of the app is slightly concerning, it overall appears to be quite polished and functions well. I haven't played as much of the game as I originally intended, but perhaps the ability to bring it into bed with me on those nights where sleep is elusive will change that!

What are your first experiences with the mobile version of the game? Let me know!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016