For Glory! - A Fury Interview with Mike Hampden - Page Two

by on May 24, 2007

<p><span style="font-weight: bold;">TTH</span>: Is there a way to describe the &ldquo;new player experience&rdquo; in <i>Fury</i>? There&rsquo;s a lot of focus on this in the industry now, and we really don&rsquo;t know much about how new players will

Is there a way to describe the “new player
experience” in Fury? There’s a lot of focus on this
in the industry now, and we really don’t know much about how
new players will experience Fury.

style="font-weight: bold;">Hampden: We
experimented with a few different options during the development of
Fury. Due to the unique nature of our game we’ve decided the
best way to introduce the player to Fury is through a tutorial. This
tutorial will teach you the basics of combat in Fury as well as setting
you up in a match against other players who are just starting out.

As players progress through the game, they will have the option to buy
new armor or weapons, correct? How often will players encounter loot
and treasure in the battles? What contributes to players getting the
“ph4t” loot? Will the players with the most kills
get the most loot?

href=""> src=""
alt="Fury Logo" title="Fury Logo" name="photo_j"
border="0" height="150" width="150">
alt="" height="1" width="1">
Another version of the Fury logo.

style="font-weight: bold;">Hampden: Players
will almost always encounter loot during battles. Loot is determined by
what type of enemy player you happen to dispatch. If they are a support
character wearing Leather gear then there’s a chance some
leather gear will be added to your team’s loot coffer. But
remember, you aren’t actually looting your opponents
possessions, the system merely takes into account what type of
character they are when determining what loot to
“drop”. Ph4t loot can be gotten by defeating
players of the highest ranks, and with a degree of luck. At the end of
battle, players roll on items in their team’s loot coffer,
and yes, battle-field proficiency will have an effect on the chance of
winning a loot roll – but that doesn’t mean simply
killing. Best healing, support, defense, etc. will share the same

Will “Fury” Essence work the same way? Or is this
distributed evenly?

style="font-weight: bold;">Hampden: Being
proficient in battle will similarly affect the amount of Essence you
can earn, though you will also get a bonus to the amount of Essence
earned if your team wins the battle.

How many weapons/armors will there be in Fury? Are they as important as
a player’s abilities in the actual PvP arena?

style="font-weight: bold;">Hampden: Most of the
weapons and armor in Fury is generated, which allows for almost
countless possibilities when it comes to variety. As far as
“epic” sets and factional equipment goes,
we’ll have that too. Weapons and armor will be important in
combat (especially after you reach high-ranks) but we don’t
think gear should win the day. A player with better gaming skill should
be able to beat an opponent with better equipment.

Let’s talk about Ranks. What incentive do players have to
increase their rank, other than to gain more equip points and vie for a
more competitive spot? Could a player stay Rank 1 for his entire career
if he chooses not to pursue Trials?

href=""> src=""
alt="Brrr! That looks chilly." title="Brrr! That looks chilly."
name="photo_j" border="0" height="110" width="150">
alt="" height="1" width="1">
There are many different venues for characters to fight

style="font-weight: bold;">Hampden:
Higher-level equipment requires higher ranks, so this would be one
major incentive to ranking up. Yes, you could stay Rank 1 your entire
career but you aren’t prevented from swapping up and down
between ranks so we really don’t know why anyone would ever
do that. It is important to note that you can’t really stick
around at Rank 1 to try to kill noobs, you will instead be matched
against other highly experienced players who prefer the challenge of a
low-rank experience (thanks to our matchmaking system that pits players
of like-skills and experience against each other).

Is being a higher rank necessary to use some of the more powerful
spells, abilities, weapons, and armor in the game?

style="font-weight: bold;">Hampden: Yes and no.
As far as abilities (we call all spells, skills, etc. abilities) go,
you can use them at any Rank, but you’ll also need the
equipment points required to use them, so yes it’s possible
to equip a Rank 1 character with one or two high-level abilities, but
it would be very difficult to be effective with this approach.

When a character gains a rank, is there any sort of physical
manifestation of his advanced status? Or do his statistics increase?
I’m not sure if there are statistics in the game, but I was
just wondering if anything changed other than his equip points?

style="font-weight: bold;">Hampden: There is no
real physical evidence, beyond being able to equip higher level gear
(which looks incredible, by the way). And no, there are no
rank-dependant statistics in Fury, (other than equip-points).

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016