Frostmourne Replica Unleashed

by on Mar 15, 2008

<strong>Own your own Frostmourne!</strong>

Own your own Frostmourne!

With Wrath of the Lich King looming in the distance, Blizzard has partnered with with Epic Weapons to create a replica of Frostmourne. For any true fan of Prince Arthas or anyone who just likes to collect sweet (yet evil) swords then this is something to look into. Though with the steep $379 dollar price tag and limited availability it may be tough to get one of these so if you're a collector I'd suggest pre-ordering now.

The legendary rune blade Frostmourne was immortalized in Warcraft III, in which it was taken up by Prince Arthas Menethil, corrupting him and leading to his transformation into the Lich King. We've partnered with EPIC Weapons to create a limited edition replica of the blade in all its horrific glory. This artifact of ancient evil is over 47" long and 12.5" wide, weighing a massive 16 lbs., and is now available for pre-order.

Click here if you're interested in pre-ordering or would like to see some pictures of it.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016