Funcom Offers Bigger Discounts for Longer Subscriptions to Age of Conan

by on Oct 26, 2009

<p>Funcom is offering a bigger discount to those who choose to purchase longer subscription plans for <em>Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures</em>. The newly adjusted rates offer a 20% discount to 3 month...</p>

Funcom is offering a bigger discount to those who choose to purchase longer subscription plans for Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures. The newly adjusted rates offer a 20% discount to 3 month subscriptions, a 30% discount to 6 month subscriptions, and a big 45% discount to the 12 month plan. To sweeten the deal, you can also purchase the larger plans and get your veteran points immediately.

As of now the 3 month subscription offers a 20% discount, 6 month subscription yields a 30% discount and 12 month offers a 45% discount vs  the regular one month plan. This is more than twice the discount than before.

In addition, it is now possible to purchase additional gametime and immediately get the veteran points. Veteran points is a system where players are rewarded for each month they have subscribed, and can be used towards a variety of items. Veteran points will launch with the coming update which is due very soon, and will work backwards in time towards all gametime you have purchased.

Please log in to your account page to see the upgraded pricing and offers.

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016