Gallenite on Botters

by on Dec 21, 2006

SOE takes action! Just under 50, 000 previously banned characters were deleted from the servers, and all rejoice!

SOE takes action! Just under 50, 000 previously banned characters were deleted from the servers, and all rejoice!

The question comes up every now and again: "Why doesn't SOE do something about botters/spammers/etc?" Whenever you see someone new doing things like this while playing, I know as well as you do that it's just plain annoying, and it can sometimes seem like we don't do anything about the problem.

Yesterday we did another cleanup round, removing all the characters that belonged to those who've been banned for a variety of EULA violations over the past few months. Usually these are the people who've been found botting, exploiting, spamming, or selling.

It's good to know that some of those offenders ARE actually getting banned!

Read all of Gallenite's post on the EQ2 Forums.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016