GamersInfo Reviews 1st Month of DDO

by on Apr 10, 2006

<strong>DDO - Stormreach: For the "truly casual gamer"?</strong><br /> <br /> has published first month's impressions of <em>Dungeons and Dragons Online: Stormreach</em>. Cronus gave the game a pretty good shake, but mystified me with thi

DDO - Stormreach: For the "truly casual gamer"? has published first month's impressions of Dungeons and Dragons Online: Stormreach. Cronus gave the game a pretty good shake, but mystified me with this comment:

DDO is aimed at the truly casual gamer: the now 40something gamer, with a spouse, 2.5 kids, a dog, and only an hour or three a night to spare for gaming. Most of the quests in the game can be completed in a short amount of time, although there are a few ‘epic’ quests that can take 4 hours or more to get through.

Granted, the quests are fairly short in duration. But any game that requires you to group will require you to spend a lot of time getting organized away from the action - not a very casual thing. Just my take! Read Cronus' at

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016