Games Day 2007: Warhammer Online Events Overview - Page Two

by on Jun 26, 2007

Needless to say, the crowd was insane as the guys ran in, and
the gathering throng burst into cheer. These two have become the
celebrities of Warhammer
, akin to the rockstar developers of yesteryear. I
am happy to say it will not go to their heads, as after each
presentation the pair took the time to chat with all the fans and sign

If you have been following the news behind style="font-style: italic;">Warhammer Online
thus far, then I will give you some new information we saw at Paul and
Jeff’s presentation. We saw loads of monsters in the game:
Skaven, Ogres, Greater Demons (Bloodthirster and Lord of Change), and
Screamers were all running around the monster test zone. The creatures
look fantastic and do perfect justice to their table top counterparts.
The funniest part that Paul showed from his video diary was a Skaven
running around with a Bloodthirster’s axe! The axe was about
ten times the size of the mutant rat who rushed around like he had just
stolen a huge chunk of Warpstone, I mean cheese, I mean…you
get it!

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alt="Paul Barnett" title="Paul Barnett" name="photo_j"
border="0" height="113" width="150">
Paul Barnett sporting a Ten Ton Hammer his

The guys also went into detail and showed great preview
footage of the classes in the Greenskin, Dwarf, Empire, and Chaos
armies. We got to see some footage of the Witch Hunter running around
the Empire countryside with his sword, guns, and most importantly, his
amazing HAT! The onscreen Witch Hunter looked great and moved quickly,
making him a tough opponent to the forces of Destruction. We also got a
look at the Warrior Priest from the Empire. The footage of this
fanatical holy servant of Sigmar caught the eye of many players in the
crowd as cool fighting and healing abilities flashed on the screen when
the priest fought some NPC foes.

Along with the Witch Hunter and Warrior Priest we got to see
early footage of the Chaos Chosen. Yes, the ultimate representation of
a Chaos warrior running around the world hacking things apart with his
giant two handed axe. The Chosen looks absolutely amazing as far as a style="font-style: italic;">Warhammer
representation goes. The armor was ornately decorated with all kinds of
Tzeentch symbols and designs. Even the boots have the representation of
a vulture designed onto them. Empire beware, the forces of Chaos will
pack a mighty punch. The Zealot was also shown for the first time,
running around with his skulls and weapons. It was terrific watching
the Zealot interact with his talking skull, which he regularly takes
advice from. Seeing these two classes in action really got the crowd
pumped up.

The Dwarf and Greenskin classes were also shown, but as they
have been discussed in depth, I won’t go into details.
However, I will say that the overhaul of the Dwarf and Greenskin zones
looks fantastic.

Speaking of zones, we did get to see plenty of the landscapes
in the game. One of the High Elf towers was shown to the group and it
looked great, exactly like the Warhammer siege towers we have often
seen in the table top version of the game. We also got to see the
Vampire’s Tower, which gives you a hint about who else will
be making an appearance in the game. All the landscapes we saw to
looked terrific.

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alt="RVR" title="RVR" name="photo_j" border="0"
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Some fans playing in Warhammer's RvR.

I know many of us love to rush to the end-game levels in many
MMOs but this game has a lot to offer and definitely will be enjoyed if
you stop and smell the… rotting corpses… so to
speak. It is Warhammer
after all; did you really think I would say roses?

At the end of the presentation, the guys took questions form
the crowd. Most of them had been asked before and are nothing the
readers of Ten Ton Hammer don’t already know. However, there
was one thing blurted out by Paul that made me hope I was right back at
GDC when Mark asked me to guess the expansion races. Someone asked if
there would be other races in the game, which Paul responded by
yelling, “Yes, Skaven and Brettonians!” While not
exactly a fact, it is a darn good rumor.

The rest of the day was spent playing some style="font-style: italic;">Warhammer RvR
battles and talking with Warhammer
fans. The lines for the EA Mythic Game Play booth were long throughout
the day and players got an exceptionally good taste of the fast paced
action in the game.

Please stick around this week as we continue with more
exclusive coverage from the Baltimore Games Day! My interviews with
Paul Barnett and Jeff Hickman – as well as Mark Jacobs
– are all coming up on Ten Ton Hammer! Loads of information
is on the way, just hang in there!

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016