Games to Outsell Music, Video

by on Nov 05, 2008

<strong>Well, it certainly gets the most of my money.</strong>

Well, it certainly gets the most of my money.

Continuing our news from England, the BBC is reporting that video games are expected to outsell both music and videos in the UK this year. An important point to make is that games will outsell music, and outsell video, but not outsell both combined. This is the first time such an accomplishment would be made by the video games industry, but it's also due in part to stagnation and rampant piracy in those industries. While video games do face piracy, it's not found on such a huge scale as in music and video.

It predicts spending on games will rise by 42% to £4.64bn in 2008, with sales on music and video at £4.46bn.

In the last five years the video games market has more than doubled in value, while music sales have stagnated.

The good news for game makers in the report was balanced by grim tidings for high street retailers.

"The music and video market is not just suffering from a slowing of growth but a massive transfer of spend to online," says Malcolm Pinkerton of Verdict Research.

For the full BBC article, please check the BBC.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016