Gamespot Gets in Thier Aion Review

by on Dec 10, 2009

Another great <i>Aion</i> review, this time from the notable Gamespot!

Another great Aion review, this time from the notable Gamespot! Covering both early game, PvP, and later game play, this review covers a little bit of everything and gives frank opinions on the current state of the game.

Flight comes into play a lot more after you reach level 25 and complete the quests necessary to enter the Abyss. This no-man's land situated in the middle of the Elyos and Asmodian territories is where the bulk of player-versus-player combat takes place. There, factions (and specifically, large player legions and alliances) battle for control of fortresses that become vulnerable to attacks on a seemingly random schedule.

Gamespot gives Aion a "fair" score of 6.5 although players have given it a higher score of 8.0, how would you rate the game? Let us know by clicking the "Post your comments" link below.

Catch the full and in depth review at Gamespot.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016