Gamespot's Interview with Andrew Griffin

by on May 09, 2008

Gamespot recently had the chance to sit down and chat about Funcom's Age of Conan with Senior Systems Designer, Andrew Griffin.<br>

Gamespot recently had the chance to sit down and chat about Funcom's Age of Conan with Senior Systems Designer, Andrew Griffin.

GS AU: Tell us more about single-player in Age of Conan. Are you still locked to that for the first 20 levels of the game?

AG: That's been changed a bit. You still have the core destiny quests which is where you swap into a single-player quests where you're doing you're own destiny quests to progress you through the story. You get the bulk of that through levels one to 20. But we found out in beta testing that players wanted more interaction with other people, so now you can switch back to the multiplayer mode during that period so you're not actually locked in to single-player gameplay. The first five levels are tutorial, and that's just you progressing through the beach until the city. But once you get to the city at level four or five, then you can switch into multiplayer mode.

Read the rest HERE.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016