Gamespy's interview with Tom Chilton

by on May 20, 2005

The folks at <a target="_Blank" href=""></a> recently had an interview with Tom Chilton, Blizzard's PVP guru.<br />

The folks at recently had an interview with Tom Chilton, Blizzard's PVP guru.

Here's a preview:

"We knew there was a strong demand for PvP in the game, "Chilton began as we sat down for our conversation, "But even we underestimated how intense the demand was going to be." When the game began, the World of Warcraft servers were simply divided up into PvP and PvE servers. The PvP in both places, however, was fairly pointless. While players could fight and kill one another, there was really no point to doing so beyond the sheer thrill of fighting with another player.

Find the entire interview here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016