Gaming on the Apple Watch

by on Sep 09, 2015

Gaming titles for the Apple Watch, rely on simplicity, quickness, and basic graphics that won’t drain your battery after five minutes. In short: games to kill time while you’re waiting in a queue or on a subway ride. Here's three titles worth your time if

Gaming is very diverse these days. With regards to consoles, specifically the PS4 or Xbox One, die-hard fans are consistently judging each release to the next with a shrewdness based on graphics capabilities, difficulty, and longevity. Compare this to mobile games however, and you’ll find that these areas go out the window. Gaming titles for smartphones, and now the Apple Watch, rely on simplicity, quickness, and basic graphics that won’t drain your battery after five minutes. In short: games to kill time while you’re waiting in a queue or on a subway ride.

Whether you think the Apple Watch is technology at its finest, or simply a disruptive and unnecessary device, there are nevertheless legions of tech consumers that relish the chance to tap away the hours on a host of new games. Although it would take a very dedicated customer to pick up this $17,000 Apple Watch.

From trivia, turn-based combat, and even communicating with a spy, here’s a quick look at some of the most interesting titles available on the Apple Watch.


Straight out of the gate, Spy_Watch looks like one of the more unique Apple Watch games on the market. The game runs somewhat differently to a normal mobile title, in that it is text-adventure format and played in real time over the course of your day. You play the boss of a spy agency, and must relay instructions to an agent in the field. You’ll receive a message asking for your commands on certain situations, and it’s up to you from a choice of two actions.

Trivia Crack

Much like other popular trivia games such as QuizUp, Trivia Crack lets you challenge friends across the world, by correctly answering questions on a vast array of subjects. The user spins a wheel and is given a category, then it’s your chance to beat your opponent and see who can be the first to get six correct answers.


Not exactly the most mind-bendingly difficult game on the market, Runeblade is however short ‘n’ sweet fun. The game works by tapping a sword icon and defeating a range of monsters in turn-based combat. The longer you play, the stronger your strikes will count and there are options for magic updates.

It only seems natural that with any Apple product, there are rumors circulating on what features the next iteration will hold, as is the case with the Apple Watch 2. Yet for now, users can enjoy some decent games that will kill a bit of time.

Watch the video below to see some of the games mentioned in action.

What games or features would you use on the Apple Watch? Let us know in the comments below.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016