Gaute Godager Interview with Eurogamer

by on Jun 27, 2008

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Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures may very well have the most successful launch of any MMORPG since World of Warcraft. Eurogamer recently scored an interview with Funcom Game Director, Gaute Godager as they talked post launch and the success of the game that surprised even Funcom.

Eurogamer: Have you had any teething trouble, given the large number of players at launch?

Gaute Godager: Technically it's been smooth, in fact a lot smoother than we'd expected. I was actually a bit surprised at that, because based on previous launches and what we've seen from other games, I was expecting more technical troubles. The servers have coped miraculously well.

What we weren't able to ramp up was customer service... We had a sales projection, and we went with that in terms of hiring customer service staff - and then we sold a lot more. We were caught out by our own success there. We're really doing absolutely everything we can to deal with that issue as fast as we can.

You can read the full interview here. Discuss it on our forums.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016