Geeked - "Classic Pick-Up Lines #3"

by on May 28, 2009

<p>Have any of you ever had an uncle that thought he was God's gift to women. Or any friend or relative, for that matter? That's who Pappy's based on. At the expense of Adam's grandfather's good...</p>

Have any of you ever had an uncle that thought he was God's gift to women. Or any friend or relative, for that matter? That's who Pappy's based on. At the expense of Adam's grandfather's good memory, I'm using this zombie to get out some frustrations on those type of people. Because the truth of the matter is that more often than not those same people wind up like Pappy here... dead, alone, and still hornier than the rarest of unicorns.

Okay, that's enough of JoBildo pretended to be deep. Let me fix that. Poop. There, all better. Now while you're in stitches, why not take a listen to our latest Vooncast? This one's all about Jumpgate, and I don't know about you lads and lasses but it's probably the number 1 game on my radar right now alongside Champions. Wing Commander Online? Yes please!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016