Geeked - "Rorschach's Psyche"

by on Mar 09, 2009

<p>Being a devoted nerd, I went and saw Watchmen last night with some close friends. Nearly 3 hours and a lot of blue dongs later, I left the theatre feeling exactly the same way I felt when I first...</p>

Being a devoted nerd, I went and saw Watchmen last night with some close friends. Nearly 3 hours and a lot of blue dongs later, I left the theatre feeling exactly the same way I felt when I first finished the series years ago. I was at once both elated at the piece of genius I'd just witnessed and a little depressed at how close to home it felt towards my own views of mankind. Minus the changes that are necessary for an adaptation of such a dense text, and yes change is necessary and that's why it's called adaptation, I was very impressed with Snyder's work. 300 was a good sign, and no one should doubt this guy's ability to faithfully bring comics to the screen ever again. I will be seeing it more than once.

That said, this comic was really just a reason for me to cartoon-ize Rorschach. I'm a man of simple pleasures, people.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016