Geeked - "Shiver His Timbers"

by on Apr 12, 2009

<p>This is the 40th issue of Geeked! I can't believe it's taken this long to start getting some minor story arcs and characters involved, but I wanted to wait until G&B and War-Torn were both...</p>

This is the 40th issue of Geeked! I can't believe it's taken this long to start getting some minor story arcs and characters involved, but I wanted to wait until G&B and War-Torn were both wrapped before I did so. That said, what do you think so far? Bill and Adam, shockingly, are based on myself and my best mate since 2nd grade. There's more folks to come, but we're going to start slowly and build up a decent cast of recurring roles.

Fear not though, I'll still be having the occasional off-shoot one-panel joke when the MMOG news warrants it. For instance... I could have totally made a corpse-humping joke with this bit of news. But higher humor prevailed. That is to say, pirates are better than zombies.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016