Gods and Heroes: Op/Ed: Stealing Souls?

by on Nov 20, 2006

<b>World of Warcraft is Stealing Souls </b><br /> <br /> World of Warcraft this, World of Warcraft that, blah blah blah. It's annoying, but it's undeniable that this game has molded the future of MMO's. How is Gods and Heroes going to be affected by thi

World of Warcraft is Stealing Souls

World of Warcraft this, World of Warcraft that, blah blah blah. It's annoying, but it's undeniable that this game has molded the future of MMO's. How is Gods and Heroes going to be affected by this? RadarX takes a look at some World of Warcraft mechanics that will be included.

World of Warcraft, it's all you hear about these days. I see it frequently in magazines, and it has had it's own aisle in most stores that sell PC games. "Oh they are getting new mounts," or "Oh they are finally making an expansion,” or “Oh Radar is tired of people whining about other games not being like WoW.”. With 7 bajillion players, it's not hard to see why many companies are looking at this phenomena and trying desperately to imitate the more successful aspects. Gods and Heroes seems to be pushing the envelope of gameplay, but is far from immune to the effects of WoW.

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016