Goob & Begud - "The Latest Craze"

by on Jan 30, 2009

<p>I know this isn't exactly a WoW related topic.

I know this isn't exactly a WoW related topic. But when I have a dwarf, and the Slayer (possibly the coolest dwarf role ever) is announced as the next playable class in Warhammer Online... I had to take a bit of a diversion and blend the two games together here. It just seemed like something a drunk dwarf from Azeroth would do.

In other news, you probably noticed that Bartle has become the bunny's final and unchangeable name. Thanks to the other suggestions, and I feel a bit sheepish about this, but Jeff "Ethec" Woleslagle's own suggestion (the first one I received) to name him Bartle was too golden to pass up in the end. Especially since the little guy was introduced because of the torturing issue.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016