Green Screenies!

by on May 02, 2006

<b> April Showers Bring Green Screenies... </b><br />

April Showers Bring Green Screenies...

You’ve had 24 hours to digest them. The new green screen shots put out by Sigil Games Online were displayed late yesterday afternoon. You can see them here. What do you think? Have we gone from too brown to too green? Are they more to your liking? How do they stand up to the other MMOs out there?

I think they are a wonderful display of how this game could wind up being a beloved home for all of those who are currently wandering the world waiting for a new MMO to move into. How can you not help but be drawn to such vibrant, vivid and alive shots. Don’t you feel like you could just reach out and swipe a piece of fruit off those trees?

It’s clear that the art team is on their game and making strides every day to bring us a world that is breath taking and diverse. Here’s hoping the other teams are doing the same. What do you think? Will this be the game that you’ve been waiting for? Speak up! Email me or better yet speak out on our forums!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016