GTA MMO a Real Possibility

by on Apr 23, 2008

<strong>Who will play the hooker class?</strong> Sam Houser of Rockstar Games recently confirmed a MMO based off Grand Theft Auto as a real possibility.

Who will play the hooker class?

Sam Houser of Rockstar Games recently confirmed a MMO based off Grand Theft Auto as a real possibility.

"a subscription-based Grand Theft Auto-type very, very doable and is a very, very compelling proposition." [...] "the combination of what we're doing with multiplayer and what we're doing with the [downloadable XB360] episodes is the start of us putting our toes in this water and seeing how our audience...adapts to online."

Check out the rest of the rumor mill for a GTA MMO.

Via Shacknews

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016