Guild Wars 2: Give Us Capes. All Will Be Forgiven.

by on Apr 13, 2016

Capes would be the answer to all ArenaNet's woes. I'm convinced.

“But Lewis, how can they fix Guild Wars 2?” I’m regularly asked. Well dear readers, I have the solution.

We all know ArenaNet’s response.

And yet, everyone loves capes. Who doesn’t want to be Superman. Batman. Robin. Or The Vision?

Capes are the height of sophistication. They make anyone instantly fabulous. Even Cosplayers - they add a cape and they’re the star of the show. Like this chap.

Heck, some fabulous community artist has already done 99% of the work for ArenaNet

So why can't we have capes? It's not because of a whirling tornado of death. 

Or the risk of a rocket. 

But I know if I was wearing a cape I'd take to events in the Maguuma Jungle with renewed vigor. Watching my cape flap behind me happily in the breeze, brightly colored and adorned with my guild logo would wipe away my sadness. 

But let's be honest here. If capes were added to Guild Wars 2, not only would we forgive ArenaNet for everything that's happening with the game but they'd be richer than Bill Gates. I'm throwing money at my screen just thinking about it (that's Mike O'Brien walking away from the cash). 

So while we're in pursuit of giving customers what they want, can we please have some capes? Please?


Last Updated: Apr 13, 2016