Guild Wars 2: Why You Should Care

by on Apr 13, 2011

<p>Every once in a while, even a prominent development project may slip out of the radar of even the biggest fan of the MMOG industry.

Every once in a while, even a prominent development project may slip out of the radar of even the biggest fan of the MMOG industry. This happened to me, and that title was none other than ArenaNet's Guild Wars 2.

After taking it upon myself to catch up on the features and announcements surrounding this upcoming title, I've come to see that all of the hype and excitement I've been hearing about appears to be completely warranted. In the course of my research I've turned from a stubborn know-nothing naysayer, into a devout follower of the Guild Wars franchise.

How did ArenaNet turn me around? Follow me on my journey of discovery, and learn Why You Should Care About Guild Wars 2.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016