Guild Wars - Picking a Side

by on May 03, 2006

<b>The battle lines are drawn!</b><br /> <br /> One of the neat aspects of <em>Guild Wars Factions</em> is the on-going war between the Kurzicks and the Luxons. As players, we don't have to sit back and watch the fight—we get to jump right in and make a

The battle lines are drawn!

One of the neat aspects of Guild Wars Factions is the on-going war between the Kurzicks and the Luxons. As players, we don't have to sit back and watch the fight—we get to jump right in and make a mark. To play Factions, you'll have to pick a side. Not sure whether the dark Kurzicks or the pirate Luxons are more your style?

The side you choose will have an effect on your game play. Some of the differences are minor—the Luxon quests have different henchmen than the Kurzick quests. The armor sets available for each clan look different, though the stats are the same.

Read on for help with Choosing Sides, at Guild Wars - TenTonHammer.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016