Hands-On with Auran's Fury

by on Aug 06, 2007

<h4 style="text-align: center;">Nothing Compares to a Sword in the Face</h4> <h4 style="text-align: center;">Ten Ton Hammer&rsquo;s Hands-On Preview of Fury</h4> <h4 style="font-style: italic; text-align: center;">By Cody &ldquo;Micajah&rdquo; Bye</h

Nothing Compares to a
Sword in the Face

Ten Ton Hammer’s
Hands-On Preview of Fury

Cody “Micajah” Bye

My heart’s
beating fast. Too fast. I lean forward in my desk chair, peering at the
computer screen, waiting for steely death to descend upon me. My
defenses are prepared; my shields have been cast and I’ve
grabbed a bunch of power-ups. I’m ready for whatever is
coming to me.

I don’t have to
wait long, as another Champion strides around the corner, their wicked
sword raised parallel to their chest. I throw a bolt of frost at him,
trying to increase my chances of surviving this encounter. My enemy
resists the attack and strides forward, whirling the sword at my face.
Panicked, I mash my hotkeys furiously, hoping that speed will win this
encounter. But it doesn’t, and soon I’m waiting for
my body to respawn.

href="http://tth.tentonhammer.com/modules.php?set_albumName=album302&id=Backstab&op=modload&name=gallery&file=index&include=view_photo.php"> src="http://media.tentonhammer.com/tth/gallery/albums/album302/Backstab.thumb.jpg"
alt="Backstab!" title="Backstab!" name="photo_j"
border="0" height="119" width="150">
According to Auran, you should "Waste enemies, not

This is but a glimpse of the gameplay of Fury, a brutal peek
inside a world that’s been fractured by cataclysmic events
and each member of the population has fallen into a pseudo-amnesiac
state and continually battle each other for dominance of their war-torn
civilization. As players, you control a single member of this world,
one whose ultimate goal is up to you to decide.

Fury, at its core, is all about action. Everything in the game
is built around the concept of quick, frenetic gameplay. One of the
mantras of the game (revealed in a recent gameplay trailer) is
essentially “Waste Enemies, Not Time.” Truly, that
motto explains the basic functions of the game. In most instances, you
can play a round of Fury in just seven minutes (if you don’t
count queues or loading times) and you never need to do a
“corpse run” or “wait for a
rez”. Gamers are constantly being plopped near their enemies,
so with a quick dash across the level, you’ll be battling it
out again in no time.

Taking some steps away from the highly popular MMORPG genre,
Fury is a self-described massively multiplayer online third-person
slasher (MMOTPS). While many of the elements of a classic MMO are still
viable in Fury – persistent characters, customizable
appearances, lots of loot – the main gameplay of Fury differs
quite drastically from what I would describe as traditionally MMORPG.

Character creation in Fury is a purely aesthetic situation.
The only portion of the Fury character creation process that is
permanent after your selection is the choice of gender, everything else
can be modified once you are in-game and have the means to change your
appearance. With only one race to choose from, the character creation
process appeals more to the vain side of human beings than anything

href="http://tth.tentonhammer.com/modules.php?set_albumName=album387&id=Pretty_Boy&op=modload&name=gallery&file=index&include=view_photo.php"> src="http://media.tentonhammer.com/tth/gallery/albums/album387/Pretty_Boy.thumb.jpg"
alt="Pretty Boy" title="Pretty Boy" name="photo_j"
border="0" height="113" width="150">
Character creation in Fury is purely for aesthetic
reasons; you can change everything but your gender when you're in-game.

Although you still choose a “class” at the
beginning of the game to define yourself, your character in Fury is
essentially classless; you can choose any selection of abilities at any
time during your experience within the game. All the beginning
“class” does for your character is open up certain
abilities to you initially that other players might not have access to.
Once your character has enough money, however, you can buy any number
of abilities from various merchants.

While character creation, a persistent character, and loot
options may still be included in Fury, the rest of the gameplay is
vastly different from what is found in typical MMOGs of modern times.
Gone are the cast-and-wait sort of scenarios that you might get in
World of Warcraft, vanished are the spawn-camping situations of EQLive,
and eradicated are the days of farming for gold.

Fury takes all those ideas, stuffs them into a time-compressed
package, and zips them into your various battleground arenas. The
geniuses’ at Auran, when they were developing Fury,
determined that speed and pacing are often the focal points when
determining how much fun an individual player has when interacting with
a game. In our previous interview with Auran’s CEO, Tony
Hilliam, he noted that the game previously included an extended
“cool-down” timer for most of the abilities:

“Getting the pace
“right” has been the key to why Fury is so much
fun. During development, we were playing the game and it was
“nearly right” but it was still missing that
elusive “addictive fun” element. We felt there were
two problems: (i) there was a lot of stop/start when you stopped
running to cast a spell or wield your sword, and (ii) when you ran out
of mana, you ran out of things to do (as one designer put it
‘I’m out of

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016