World of Warcraft: How to Hit ilevel 340 in a Day

by on Oct 18, 2018

Heres a few tips and tricks for hitting 340 Ilevel quickly.

So you are a fresh 120 and are wondering what is the fastest way to reach 340 Ilevel to start doing normal Uldir and other content with higher Ilevel requirements. Here are a few tips that should help your grind significantly.

Head to the auction house and buy two of the cheapest darkmoon decks. Don't equip them! Keep them in your bags to inflate your Ilevel, making world quests drop higher gear and making it easier to get into groups. You can do the same thing with the raid finder BoE piece for your class. You can sell them back to the auction house later for about the same price. Join an Arathi Highlands rare farming group. You will find them in the custom group finder tab. There are many rares and they all have a chance to drop 340 gear. This is a very quick and efficient way to get 340 gear but only resets to allow you to farm them again on the next Arathi rotation. If timewalking is up, Do some timewalking dungeons. They drop 335 gear which is fairly good for how long they usually take. Don't forget to do world bosses whenever possible. You can grab some bonus rolls for these since the 355 gear can help you out a ton. LFR drops 340 gear, making it a good way to grab 340 gear once a week. Make sure you get every boss. After you have done everything else, do the world quests and emissaries that give you gear. The loot scales with your Ilevel so try to do them after you have grabbed all of the other gear you can from Arathi rares, LFR and such. This is also where the Darkmoon Decks can come in handy. Once your total Ilevel is near 340 (but your equipped is lower due to the Darkmoon Decks). Queue up for some mythic 0's or +2's for the rest of the gear you need.

With all of these it should be fairly easy to hit 340 in a day with just a small investment of Darkmoon decks.

Last Updated: Oct 18, 2018