How to get started with CS: GO

by on Feb 26, 2020

When we stack CS: GO against some of the more recent first-person shooters, it suffices to say that it's not the most straightforward game to master.

How to get started with CS: GO

When we stack CS: GO against some of the more recent first-person shooters, it suffices to say that it's not the most straightforward game to master. It comes back to the old saying of practice makes perfect, get to grips with the basics, and you'll be rewarded handsomely. Our guide helps those that are new to the game with the basic mechanics and includes tips and tricks to getting the hang of things much faster.

The correct screen resolution helps massively

Before you begin playing CS: GO, you'd be wise to find the ideal resolution to avoid facing challenges later in the game. One of the most significant reliance on players is having rapid reaction times in a shootout. Although higher resolutions make the graphics appear crisper, it'll put people with bad eyesight at a disadvantage. The size of players' model perception decreases as the game opens up, and the resolution increases, meaning it becomes trickier to land a shot from a distance for those with vision problems. This often results in eye strain after playing for long periods, and it also has a negative impact on reaction speeds. This results in players' brains processing enemy map locations much slower than anticipated.

Every player will adapt to a different resolution, so it's impossible to determine what is seen as ideal for each player. A rule of thumb, however, is choosing a resolution with the ability to be stretched. As a result, the on-screen player models will increase in size. Test out the available resolutions to find the most suitable one for you.

Get to grips with weapon recoils

Those who dive straight into CS: GO rarely consider learning about the recoil patterns of each weapon. This results in blind-firing bullets at an enemy thinking a shot will hit them without success. This, of course, leads to a frustrating game session, which is where many players turn to bad habits instead. Learning how each weapon works, later on, becomes harder as those bad habits are instilled in their minds. The Steam workshop offers a wide variety of practice maps, these are great for learning spray control, and they also offer player feedback for areas of improvement.

As players gain experience, each player's muscle memory will kick in for every weapon, which then results in improved reaction time to shoot targets much faster than they'd anticipated.

Learn to communicate effectively

Prior to jumping into online competitive or considering new skins from places like, it's worth ensuring you're equipped with a decent mic. It's amazing how close players come to a win or a loss, often within a matter of seconds. Calling out an enemy location is much faster over a mic than typing them out, which could, in theory, cost you a loss over a win for your team. The easier it is to communicate information, the more successful a team can be at reacting to a given situation.

CS: GO money matters

Putting everything else aside, such as the core mechanics and spray patterns, a big part of CS: GO comes down to the unique in-game money system. Counter-Strike Global Offensive differs from that of other FPS titles that allow players to select a chosen weapon regardless of the times they've been downed. CS: GO uses a currency system that tracks every item and weapon used, with players receiving a set amount of currency at the start of a match to determine what options are available to them throughout the game. If they lost the previous round, for example, their allowance will be lower than if they'd won. If a player has taken down several enemies in the last round, they'll be awarded extra currency. The amount of money rewarded varies depending on which weapon was used for the kills they've racked up, shotguns, and SMGs, for example, award the best income for a downed enemy and come at a low buy-in cost.

Now that you're equipped with the best getting started tips, its time to head onto the battlefield and rack up some kills!


Last Updated: Feb 26, 2020