Icy Teaser at Blizzard Site

by on Jun 23, 2008

<strong>What game are they teasing us with?</strong>

What game are they teasing us with?

With the Blizzard Paris Invitational coming up this weekend, a new icy looking splash screen has popped up over the weekend. Speculation is running rampant that this is the annoucement for a new game. The most popular candidates are Diablo III, or a release date for Starcraft II. Me, though... I think it looks much too much like something with Northrend. :)

So what the hell does it all mean? Ice with barely legible runes certainly sounds like Wrath of the Lich King, though outside of some hidden features or perhaps an official release date I can't imagine why they'd tease that. Many of you seem to think it's Diablo III: Diablo on Ice. Me? I'm going to go for those bearded bad boys who come from the land of the ice and snow, World of Lost Vikings. Hopefully we'll know by this weekend, when the Blizzard Worldwide Invitational does Paris. Until then, let the speculation fly!

To see the screen for yourself, head to Blizzard.com

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016