IGN Reviews Tabula Rasa

by on Nov 21, 2007

IGN released a full fledged review of Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa today. Even though it's still a little early to do real reviews, the author referred to missions as "quests," and they discuss at least one feature that left beta a long time ago it was

IGN released a full fledged review of Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa today. Even though it's still a little early to do real reviews, the author referred to missions as "quests," and they discuss at least one feature that left beta a long time ago it wasn't too unfair.

To be able to use your special powers, even if you have the skill points to level them up, you need to hunt out logos, symbols from the Eloh language. For instance, the Specialist power "Decay" requires the two logos: Damage, which looks sort of like a hammer breaking a block, and Time, an hourglass shape. These symbols are also featured in signs throughout the game, and there is at least one quest that requires the player to translate a sentence (or just bother the general chat.)

Head over to IGN to read more of this "review."

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016