Improving Auto Assault's Performance

by on May 10, 2006

Now if after reading the <a href=" " >Getting Started Guide</a>, you are loaded up but Auto Assault is giving you a few problems, don't worry! Grab your electronic t

Now if after reading the Getting Started Guide, you are loaded up but Auto Assault is giving you a few problems, don't worry! Grab your electronic toolkit and get to work at tweaking Auto Assault's performance to the point where it purrs like a kitten (with rocket launchers, lots of rocket launchers).

"You may notice that if you have an older system then you probably
will hit speed bumps while travelling through the wastelands.
Slowdowns, jitteriness, and a myriad of other symptoms that come with
aging computers can plague your experience within Auto Assault. Kind
of like having a nice chassis but an old cranky engine inside, it just
doesn't work efficiently. Worry not though; there are some tricks you
can do to make Auto Assault run better without having to pay for new

Let's get tweaking

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016