In-depth Look at Aion Class Customization

by on May 28, 2009

Character customization is a huge part of how each player identifies with their avatar and the folks at NCsoft know this! Aion has taken customization to all new level adding a whole army of...

Character customization is a huge part of how each player identifies with their avatar and the folks at NCsoft know this! Aion has taken customization to all new level adding a whole army of sliders to make your character look exactly like you want him to and a variety of class customization options to make him play like you want as well. To show off the unique features that Aion has, has been granted an exclusive preview of the character creation process.

The Character Creator in Aion is unparalleled in the depth of customization you can get into. In fact, many players spend huge amounts of time just playing around with the creator before launching into the game. With 25 sliders to modify the head and face alone, you can all but guarantee that your character will be truly unique in the world of Aion. And with another 16 sliders to modify the body, the world of Aion is going to be a very diverse world indeed.

See screenshots that detail character creation and read up on all the ways you will be able to make your Aion character your very own unique representation over at!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016