In the Business of Fun: A Video Q&A with The Syndicate's Sean "Dragons" Stalzer

by on Aug 25, 2009

Ten Ton Hammer spoke with The Syndicate's guild leader and CEO, Sean "Dragons" Stalzer, on the highlights of the annual world conference in 2009, on their current efforts and how they balance their guide authoring, consulting, and philantropic side with t

The Syndicate isn't just the longest continually running guild in existence (they're in their 14th year and hold the Guiness World Record), they also do charitable work for Youth Opportunities Unlimited as a guild, work as guide authors and contributors for Prima Guides, and do consults for a variety of MMO developers, and are as nice a group of people you'll ever meet.

Ten Ton Hammer spoke with The Syndicate's guild leader and CEO, Sean "Dragons" Stalzer, on the highlights of the annual world conference in 2009, on their current efforts and how they balance their guide authoring, consulting, and philanthropic side with the fun of gaming in the context of a close knit, friendship-oriented multi-game guild. If you want to take your guild to the next level or gain some long-term staying power, it's well worth watching this video.


Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016