Is PvP dead?

by on May 29, 2006

Player vs Player.. or Poor vs Pathetic?

At Video Game Generation, there is an interesting article discussing the flaws in the current PvP system.

The one word that can be used to describe World PvP in World of Warcraft is "broken." Now, the average lowbe who gets killed every 15 seconds in Stranglethorn Vale on a PvP server will argue that it isn't, and in that sense World PvP is not dead. After all, who am I to tell some level 60 alpha-geek that raids 40 hours a week to get epics that he can't smash some level 38 in the middle of a jungle? See, the random ganking isn't a problem; it's the lack of any sort of PvP objective. The vast majority of us will get extremely bored sitting in Stranglethorn Vale killing level 38 characters.

Read the rest of the article here!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016