It's All Geek to Me: Ten Years of Corpse Runs

by on Mar 06, 2009

EverQuest has reached the ten year mark online... And THAT is no small thing. My original drug of choice, and my gateway into all things MMOG, EverQuest was the reason that I got addicted to...

EverQuest has reached the ten year mark online...

And THAT is no small thing.

My original drug of choice, and my gateway into all things MMOG, EverQuest was the reason that I got addicted to online play, made countless friends, and still have never kissed a girl.

Still it was worth it.

So join us today as we give a nod of respect to the ol' girl, or don't - because you are a whiner baby WoW-fan who hated everything that I came to love about EQ.

When you died, not only did you have to do the walk of shame BACK to your crumpled body…

…but you had to do it stark frigging nude.

You see, the Gods were a fickle bunch, and while they were kind enough to pull your spirit from the underworld and give you a new body, all of your gear was still on your OLD body, which was probably a million miles away and passing through the colon of whatever monster ticked you off as 2 weight watcher points.

Naked corpse runs await you in It's All Geek to Me

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016