Jeffrey Steefel Talks Moria at Eurogamer

by on Mar 17, 2008

<strong>Steefel gets around. That's why we call him Steefler.</strong>

Steefel gets around. That's why we call him Steefler.

Eurogamer got some time with Lord of the Rings Online Executive Producer Jeffrey Steefel to chat about what's in store for the Moria expansion.

Lord of the Rings Online executive producer Jeffrey Steefel, speaking to Eurogamer just after announcing this year's Mines of Moria expansion, said that being in Moria would be "very different from anything people have experienced before".

Moria, the ominous, deserted dwarven city which serves as the climax to the first book in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy, will be rendered as a single, continuous underground world for players to explore. It will offer players a chance to fight the Balrog demon that's defeated by Gandalf in the books. We asked Steefel if this would involve making significant changes to the continuity of Lord of the Rings lore.

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016