John Smedley Reflects on Star Wars Galaxies Mistakes

by on Dec 21, 2011

<p>SOE boss John Smedley reflects on the now deceased <em>Star Wars Galaxies</em> and what could have been done differently.

There are some players that say that Star Wars Galaxies is the only game ever to be improved to death, thanks in no small part to the NGE update, which was panned by many fans and viewed as one of the primary reasons the game went on such a rapid decline in players. Star Wars Galaxies officially closed down on December 15th.

SOE boss John Smedley recently took some time to speak with IndustryGamers, who just did a story reflecting on the troubled past of Star Wars Galaxies. In the story, Smedley talks about some of the mistakes made during the game's development such as launching with no space combat, which Smedley indicates if he had it to do over again the game would have stayed in development for another year to allow the feature to be implemented for launch. But perhaps the most detrimental aspect was the NGE update and Smedley explained what he would do differently if he had the chance to do it all again.

We would have encouraged more in-depth discussion with the community surrounding the idea of any game modifications.

The full story is available via IndustryGamers and makes for a good read if you were a fan of the now deceased Star War Galaxies.

Source: IndustryGamers: Star Wars Galaxies – Reflections on a Flawed Game

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016