Karak Eight Peaks - 01.13.07

by on Jan 14, 2007

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Karak Eight Peaks

Official Information from EA Mythic

In the Badlands, Gazbag and Grumlok are reunited with the Bloody Sun Boyz. Immediately, the two set out to fulfill Malekith's magically-implanted command. Led by their newly-empowered Warboss and Shaman, the Boyz begin their march to the World's Edge Mountains, assimilating any greenskin tribe they encounter and destroying those who will not join. Never before have the Orcs and Goblins seen such strength and power from two of their own kind, and the ranks of the Bloody Sun Boyz swell as rumors of their deeds spread.

Karak Eight Peaks Exterior

As the greenskin horde approaches Karak Eight Peaks, the Dwarfs gather within its walls, confident the impregnable fortress is in no real danger. When Gazbag uses his amplified magic to blast a hole in the impossibly thick wall surrounding the city, the Dwarfs are dumbstruck. Never before has an invading army broken through the perimeter of Karak Eight Peaks. As a wave of snarling, bellowing greenskins pours through the breach, the dour but determined defenders of the doomed city prepare to make a last stand.

The news spreads like a shockwave. How could one tribe of greenskins capture the seemingly impenetrable fortress? Though few will admit it, many Dwarfs are badly shaken by this impossible defeat. In Karaz-a-Karak, High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer vows revenge, commanding every Dwarf in the city to make preparations for a great war.

The Ten Ton Thought:

The current capital of the Greenskins; Karak Eight Peaks was a former city of the Dwarfs.  As a Dwarf city Karak Eight Peaks is filled with impressive architecture at a sizeable scale, the problem of course is the fact that it is now inhabited by the Greenskins.  As the city falls more and more into disrepair it can only be guessed what will happen to the ancient city.  It also remains to be seen what riches lie waiting to be found by the new Greenskin residents.

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016