Keeping Vana'diel Fresh - A Look at Recent Final Fantasy XI Updates

by on Jan 20, 2010

Can you arrive at a party six years late and still have fun? Absolutely, if Square Enix' Final Fantasy XI is any indication.

Can you arrive at a party six years late and still have fun? Absolutely, if Square Enix' Final Fantasy XI is any indication. November and December were busy months for the team as they packed more content into the already-well-established title. Ten Ton Hammer got a chance to get in game and check out some of the additions in a guided tour of FF11.

Rarely do MMOGs spark such strong emotion and attachment to the characters of the world, but Square Enix has done just that. The battles are fun and the cutscenes are nothing short of brilliantly immersive.

Read the full article here at Ten Ton Hammer.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016