Kijong Kang Talks Huxley

by on Apr 18, 2006

<p><strong>Bill Cosby need not apply. </strong></p> <p>GameSpot threw a Q&amp;A at Kijong Kang and Kijong Kang threw it right back, chock full of Huxley information. </p> <blockquote> <p>&quot;Online role-playing games are easily the rage right no

Bill Cosby need not apply.

GameSpot threw a Q&A at Kijong Kang and Kijong Kang threw it right back, chock full of Huxley information.

"Online role-playing games are easily the rage right now, especially considering that a game like World of Warcraft has more than 6 million subscribers. However, online first-person shooters are an entirely different story. We're not talking about conventional shooters that can be played online with 16, or even 64, players. Rather, we're talking about online shooters that allow thousands of players to interact online and potentially hundreds to battle it out among one another. While there have been a handful of attempts to date to make an online first-person shooter, none have taken off. However, there's a new game on the horizon from South Korea's Webzen that has captured a lot of attention. Huxley is an online first-person shooter that has an unusual name, as well as some amazing visuals, judging from the early screens released thus far. Based on Unreal Engine 3 technology, Huxley looks to meld first-person shooter gameplay with the scale and scope of an online game. For details, we turned to Kijong Kang, the producer in charge of the Huxley team at Webzen."

You can read the Huxley Interview with Kijong Kang at GameSpot.

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016