Lady's Look at May 5th, 2006

by on May 06, 2006

<b>Where Does the Path Take Us?</b><br />

Where Does the Path Take Us?

What a day in the neighborhood! As reported a short while ago, Sigil Games Online has found a new home with Sony Online Entertainment. Many in the community are shaken by these two names in the same sentence. Many fall instantly into despair at this because of past experiences. Many feel a myriad of emotions and fly to their favorite forums to share them all.

This community has been built up lovingly through the past few years by Brad McQuaid, Jeff Butler and a host of others on what is commonly referred to as the “Dream Team” of MMOs. So I ask this, do you think they would make a deal with the one company most despised by its community that wouldn’t be in their best interests or in the best interests of “the vision”? The question most are asking is, how can this be possible when you bring SoE into the picture.

I fear my friends that only time…or Brad will tell. We need to as some say, step back and punt. Let the information come out and see where this path will take us. I can’t really see the folks at Sigil shooting themselves in the foot, so I am watching closely and am very interested to see where this takes us.

Speak up! Email me or better yet speak out on our forum thread dedicated to this topic!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016