Law of the Game: End User License Aggravation

by on Mar 28, 2008

<strong>It's not legally binding if you don't read it, right?</strong>

It's not legally binding if you don't read it, right?

Mark Methenitis tackles the frustrating copyright problems associated with the EULAs you sign without looking at in his latest Law of the Game column at Joystiq.

Last week, ECA boss Hal Halpin posted a column discussing the need for the game industry to re-evaluate the big block of text you click to 'Agree' to without reading; aka the End User License Agreement (EULA). While I could write a column about the pitfalls of some actual EULAs, as PC Mag did in January, I will instead address the broader issue that no one has yet pointed out. In general, copyright law and its application to new media has lagged well behind the curve of practicality. I want to start out by saying that I fully believe the idea of copyright is a positive one, as those who create works should be able to protect their rights with respect to those works. However, technology has now pushed the envelope to the point that it is generally impractical, if not nearly impossible to impose the centuries old concept of 'copyright' that originated with the printing press.

Read the rest and discuss it here.

[Via Joystiq]

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016