Leave World of Warcraft You Say?

by on Apr 17, 2008

<strong>What would it take for you to leave WoW?</strong>

What would it take for you to leave WoW?

Ending WoW completely for another game might feel like a break up with that special someone. It leaves an empty feeling inside. There is good reason we play, isn't there?

I always think it's interesting when I hear developers talk about how World of Warcraft opened up the MMOG market for new entrants. We have all these new and exciting games coming out: Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, The Chronicles of Spellborn, and plenty more. However, the overwhelming response that I get from WoW players when I talk about these games is a blank stare and something along the lines of, "Okay, that sounds all right... but why would I ever want to leave WoW?" I think that developers tend to underestimate how attached people get to their MMOG of choice. There are now over 10 million World of Warcraft players. The question is, do they even want something different?

Read the full article at www.massively.com.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016