Lineage II Q&A Focuses on Hellbound

by on Apr 16, 2008

<strong>One wing to rule them all. And in the Kamael bind them!</strong> <br>

One wing to rule them all. And in the Kamael bind them!

A brand new interview with Lineage II producer Tim Tan is available for reading at It's fairly lengthy and covers a fair number of topics on the Kamael expansion, which Ten Ton Hammer reviewed a little while ago.

Tim Tan: From a storyline standpoint, I feel that we started with the Kamael, and we introduced the Hellbound zone, and unlocking the different areas. I feel that Hellbound, basically the signature part of the last segment of the First Throne, is the completion of that. Your goal is to actually explore the rest of Hellbound, enter areas like the Steel Citadel, and your ultimate goal is to meet and fight Beleth, the biggest baddie in the game right now. So I think it will be significant. It definitely is, in terms of story, the higher-end content. And we do have a good group of roleplayers that always know the storyline and progression in that way.

Read the whole Kamael Q&A at

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016