Lineage II: The First Throne Review - Page Two

by on Feb 15, 2008

In general, the increased intensity in the leveling curve is probably due to a lack of design localization – or maybe just not enough localization – to make

In general, the increased intensity in the leveling curve is probably
due to a lack of design localization
– or maybe just not enough localization – to make
the game fun for the North American marketplace. However, there is hope
for a change in the future for those gamers that aren’t among
the “hardcore elite” who spend hours killing the
same monsters. Another NCsoft game, style="font-style: italic;">City of Heroes,
recently went
through a reworking of their XP progression, and one can only hope that
Lineage II
might adopt a similar policy.

All in all, the gameplay in the new expansion offers a variety of new
content but doesn’t change the fact that style="font-style: italic;">Lineage II is
– and may remain – a grind-fest.


style="margin: 10px; border-collapse: collapse; float: right; width: 136px; height: 165px;"
href="" title="Fortress 1"> src="/image/view/14504/preview"

style="font-style: italic;">Fortress battles
are an integral part of the new expansion.

For the most part, the graphics in Lineage
haven’t changed
drastically from the four years that have passed since the game was
initially released. However, that doesn’t mean
they’re ugly or lackluster. Just the opposite in many
instances, with the support of newer and faster graphics cards, the
Lineage II
developers have really pushed the modified Unreal Engine to
its limits. With support for detailed shadows, reflective water, and a
strange view-distance “blur” effect, the game
certainly allows those gamers with high-end cards to push their
hardware to the limit.

The First Throne expansion continues along this course of href="">pushing the
aging engine to the max. With huge pieces of architecture
jutting out
of the world and floating clouds of purple death hanging over entire
cities, you really get the feeling that the style="font-style: italic;">Lineage II
developers are
getting every ounce of power out of the Unreal Engine. The new Kamael
character models really stand out from the rest of the races in the
game, and the new monsters the designers have added continue to bolster
Lineage II’s
place in MMORPG history.


Music and sound effects in most MMOGs tend to be seen as
“adders” or something that isn’t even
important to the game at hand. In the First Throne expansion, this
continues to be the trend. Although there are some interesting tracks
to listen to in the home city of the Kamael, the lack of sounds and the
raw whistling of the wind tends to make the entire Isle of Souls feel
very empty. While the game should relay a feeling of desolation in this
area, the sounds don’t need to feel as empty as the actual
landscape. Music, ambience, anything would have been better than
listening to the constant clanging of my sword against a
monster’s hide.

style="margin: 10px; border-collapse: collapse; float: left; width: 136px; height: 165px;"
title="Female Final Form"> src="/image/view/14899/preview"

style="font-style: italic;">The Kamael's final
form is a damage producing nightmare.

Closing Comments

To this particular reviewer, Lineage
II: The First Throne
was a fun little romp in
a world that I had once adventured in long ago. The sheer amount of
content that was brought into the game should make any player perk up
pay attention. From the fortresses to the new raids to the Kamael race,
developers seemed to go all out to bring in new areas of the game for
their players
to enjoy. However, the game continues to falter in areas where it has
continually been judged harshly. The level grind in particular
– even with the added new player benefits – can be
wearing and almost overbearing in a player’s first encounter
with the game. That said players who were once – and are
still – in love with Lineage
will find more than their
fair share of content to take pleasure in.

Lots of new content including playable race New player experience improved Fortress battles round out PvP system Continues to rely on grind Game is aging, feels old Sound and music dismally lacking in substance cellspacing="2" width="213">

src=""> alt=""
src=""> alt=""
src=""> alt=""
src=""> alt=""
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(3.5 / 5 Hammers)

style="color: rgb(255, 255, 0);">Ten

style="font-style: italic;">A perfect
reintroduction to an aging game, Lineage
II: The First Throne
is a great addition to this
particular title. It’s especially worth a look if
you’ve played Lineage
in the past and want to get back into the fray.

Have you tried out the
new Lineage II
expansion, or
you? Do you have thoughts or
comments? href="">Share
them on the forums!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016