Live Update #19 Released!

by on Feb 02, 2006

<b>More changes for Norrathians!</b><br> <br> Live Update 19 has been unleashed upon Sony's EQ2 servers bringing some new mechanics to the game. <blockquote> *** Headlines ***<br>

More changes for Norrathians!

Live Update 19 has been unleashed upon Sony's EQ2 servers bringing some new mechanics to the game.

*** Headlines ***

- New Character Progression has arrived! Choose your final class at level 1, experience new unique progression paths for each race and alignment, and much more!

- Solusek's Eye: New adventures, stories, and rewards!

- Mentor your friends without needing to change your hotbars!

- Adventure writs are now more convenient to obtain and offer clearer rewards!

- The Norrathian Express expands its coin and item delivery service between Qeynos and Freeport!

- Many house vaults gain some extra space!

- Enjoy a plethora of enhancements to the user interface!

Check out all of the update notes in the forums right here.

ACK!! I may not be able to check out LU 19 tonight!! The new season of Survivor starts!! hmmm... maybe my wife will let me tape it. And yes, I know, I need some form of Tivo instead of my ancient VHS recorder.

Well, for all those who can't stand reality TV or have the means to tape it, enjoy your Everquesting! It sounds like a good update.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016